Hydrocele Surgery

- Special

Special (this Month)- Down payment - $ 200

* Additional fees for general anesthesia, operating room

Insurance Guidelines

Are the costs of Hydrocele Surgery covered by Insurance?
Our Patient/Insurance co-ordinator without cost

Hydrocele Surgery Cost

We Guarantee the Lowest Cash Price for Hydrocele Surgery. *
Thousands of Successful Surgeries.

Hydrocele Surgery (HYDROCELECTOMY)

A hydrocelectomy is a surgery that removes or repairs a hydrocele, which is a fluid-filled sac surrounding your testicle. The procedure usually takes less than an hour to complete. Risks include healing issues, infection, swelling, bruising and scarring. It may take two or more weeks to recover.

Hydrocele Surgery Repair – is one of the most common minor operations performed in the United States. In most cases, a hydrocelectomy takes less than an hour.

What happens if hydrocele is not treated?
If a communicating hydrocele does not go away on its own and is not treated, it can lead to an inguinal hydrocele surgery. In this condition, part of the intestine or intestinal fat pushes through an opening (inguinal canal) in the groin area Where does the fluid in a hydrocele come from? A hydrocele (HI-droe-seel) is a type of swelling in the scrotum that occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath surrounding a testicle. Hydrocele is common in newborns and usually disappears without treatment by age 1. Older boys and adult men can develop a hydrocele due to inflammation or injury within the scrotum

How painful is a hydrocelectomy?
You may have light pain and discomfort after a hydrocelectomy. You can manage your pain with NSAIDs or a prescription pain reliever.

In the SILVERLAKE VIRGIL SURGICAL CENTER we accept the following payment:

  • Cash
  • Credit Cards

Out of town Patients came from anywhere in the world predominant our patients for Hydrocele Surgery came from USA and Canada. [For more info click here]

Hydrocele Surgery (Hydrocelectomy)

Where does the fluid in a hydrocele come from?

A hydrocele (HI-droe-seel) is a type of swelling in the scrotum that occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath surrounding a testicle. Hydrocele is common in newborns and usually disappears without treatment by age 1. Older boys and adult men can develop a hydrocele due to inflammation or injury within the scrotum

Insurance Guidelines

Are the costs of Hydrocele Surgery covered by Insurance?
We accept a variety of insurance carriers and plans. If after Hydrocele Surgery Procedure for example you are having headaches, hemorrhage, pain any of these symptoms discuss it with doctor. Your Insurance could cover medically necessary portion of your procedure.
You may submit information regarding your insurance carrier to our Patient/Insurance coordinator department. Our staff without cost to you will verify your insurance coverage and determine if your insurance covers the procedure.

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Hydrocele Surgery

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Hydrocele Surgery Center

Los Angeles

3367 W 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90004

You can always call us at

Office Hours: M-F 9:30am-5:00pm

How long do I have to stay in Surgical Center after Hydrocele Surgery and what is the recovery time?

Hydrocele Surgerys treatment can be followed with two methods: Open Hydrocele Surgery or Laparoscopic Hydrocele Surgery. Many patients who have laparoscopic hydrocele surgery surgery to repair hydrocele surgery are able to go home the same day as compare to Open Surgery. The recovery time is roughly 1 to 2 weeks. After 1 to 2 weeks, you can most likely return to the light activity.

How much time will it take for Hydrocele Surgery?

Many procedures take about an hour to perform for surgery. The rest of time is spent by a patient is to prepare for him/her for the surgery. Many patient leaves the hospital in about an hour after the surgery after the examination of their medical condition.

What Is Mesh?

The Mesh is a Bio absorb-able mesh used in the Hydrocele Surgery . It’s a made from natural material suitable for human body. It doesn’t stay in your body for life long although it is used give strength to weakened muscle of your body and with time it absorb into your tissue, leaving you with strong and durable repair for your hydrocele surgery.

When do I need a Hydrocele Surgery ?

A hydrocele needs surgery if it is:

  • limiting your way of life
  • causing pain in the influenced area
  • causing abdominal swelling or obstruction
  • interfering with your daily activities
  • interfering with your sexual life
  • requiring emergency hospital visits for pain or distension

What will happen if I don’t repair my hydrocele surgery?

If hydrocele surgery is not treated on time, it will continue to increase in size, consequently it may cause pain and intestinal blockage.


In our Surgical Center compare to number of other Surgical Center we prefer General Anesthesia , in which case you'll sleep through the entire operation and do not feel any pain.